Saturday, December 7, 2024

Music Marketing Planning

 For this project, we are working in groups of four people. In order to be successful, we needed to make a schedule to know what we would do each day. This project is worth half of our midterm grade so it is very important to plan everything the most convenient way possible. 

For this music marketing project there are several things we need to do. Before the thanksgiving break, we worked on the research chart, which was a case study for two production companies and two four artists that represented our assigned genre, which was country. I chose the artist Blake Shelton and research about his history, brand identity, his marketing and distribution. This has been helpful because we now have a background of the artists of this genre which helps us build our artist.

When we came back from the break, we started working on the other four parts of the project which are the storyboard, the music video, the presentation and the blog post video. The schedule we made was this one:

12/5: Do the storyboard for the music video. Lucia in charge to finish it at home. 

- Started to film the video for the post, showing our progress. Zach is in charge of filming and editing this.

- Ellie and Sara do the planning for the brand of our artist and the marketing. Start the presentation.

12/9: All of us keep working on the presentation. Better if we have it finished by today.

- Zach keeps films the blog and progress.

- Plan more the music video, the details.

12/11: Full day to film the music video.

- Keep filming the behind the scenes.

If we are missing something by this day, keep working on it at home. Keep in touch if we have any questions or if we need help from each other.

Turn in everything before 12/16!

Group meeting #2

Helloo, today was our second group meeting and if i'm not wrong, the last one. It went pretty well, this time it was way different than ...