Friday, October 18, 2024

TV show representation

My favorite TV Show is called 'Eva Lasting'. It is a Colombian TV show released in 2021. The story is mainly held in Jose Maria Root High School, where a mysterious teen girl called Eva, arrives at this all boys school of 600 students, in the 1970s in Bogota, Colombia. 
Eva Samper is the protagonist of the story, she is intelligent and has a lot of knowledge about literature and the real world. She is courageous, and even though she is in a school crowded by 600 males, she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Eva befriends mainly Camilo Granados, along with his group of friends. She starts breaking stereotypes and some rules in the story.

The use of construction is seen through various camera angles, sound and editing techniques. From the moment that Eva is shown entering the classroom for the first time, her character is shown to stand out. The show has a variety of shots, but mostly made of medium shots, two shots, and close ups. The medium shots are the most seen, showing the character's interactions.The two shots are notorious, showing Eva and Camilo. Along with the close ups, showing the emotions of each character. 
Through this angle construction, the show emphasizes how Eva breaks the female stereotypes at her school, shown as strong and independent, which differs to the traditional female roles in the 1970s.

Additionally, the use of diegetic, non-diegetic sounds and music, evoke feelings of tension, to let the audience analyze and understand better the scenes and characters. There is a lot of music involved in this show, all being from the 1970s, which add more sense of this era. The theme song is called " La primera vez" and is frequently used throughout the story. It serves as a powerful motif, showing key moments.
additionally, upbeat music is shown when Eva appears, showing her importance. Plus, there is a very important voiceover from the adult version of Camilo, who is the narrator of the story. Which adds depth, and lets see into his internal struggles and growth. It not only personalizes the story but also lets the audience know of the lasting impact of Eva on his life and perspective. There is a shift of his view towards women, and does not care anymore about the societal expectations of masculinity. That is due to Eva's influence in her open-minded thoughts, which were not accepted back then. 

Another important aspect of this Show is the details of the houses, streets, places, schools and clothing. When you watch it, it feel like if you were in the actual 1970s. Due to the amazing job at editing, everything was more natural and realistic. The group's hang out place is an arcade, which could represent a symbol as well, they always go there to solve problems and do important things.

One of the most important aspects of this show is how it de-centers the male view and also offers a female narrative. As most seen, shows of just male environments, tend to focus on male characters and their experiences. However, by centering the story on Eva, changes the perspective to show how a woman navigates a space full of males. Which is important for representing Eva as a complex character. She serves as a person for her male friend's growth, particularly Camilo, that re-examines his views of women.

Eva’s character is shown as intelligent and strong, but at the beginning, it is shown how she is "othered" within the school environment. The boys often view her as an exotic figure, since they had never been in the same environment with a female, apart their mother or sisters. They looked at her as someone who didn't belong in their world.The exoticizing is seen in the way other male characters initially romanticize her and treat her as an outsider who is fascinating. However, as the series progresses, rather than being othered, Eva earns respect from her male friends by noticing her individuality and intelligence. This shows the ideal back then about women being different and inferior than males, but it was the exception for Eva due to her character.

Also, evidently, there is use of stereotypes. Like how Eva is shown as a free spirit, often compared with conventional female characters, who are often shown as  conforming and obedient. The show uses these stereotypes to critique how women are traditionally seen in the society and makes the audience re-evaluate their perceptions. Analyzing this, Eva is not just a simple character but a representation of social change.

The representation used for 'Eva Lasting' shows in depth the challenges women had to go through in a sexist era of the 1970s in Colombia. However, showing Eva's character of courage and independence, the series illustrates she is breaking barriers, standing up for her believes and making crucial changes for the future.

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