Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group meeting #2

Helloo, today was our second group meeting and if i'm not wrong, the last one. It went pretty well, this time it was way different than last time since we all now have our ideas figured out and almost done. We were in groups of five and I was grouped with Lucia, Isabella, Addison and Elias. We started looking at everyone's Blog and talk about our plots and our progress. Everyone was working in a group, I was the only one there who is working alone. I talked about my plot and my progress, I am done editing I will just revise some things to make sure everything looks good.
I showed them all of my film, and they liked it. There was not much tips or recommendations since I feel pretty good about it. BUTTT something I really thank this group meeting was the fact that I realized the maximum time for the opening film. I do not really know why I thought the maximum time was three minutes, when it is actually 2:10. Lucia was talking about how she went over the time limit, and i asked her how long her project was and she said about 2:30, and I was like... WHAT? hhahahha. I went to ask Ms. Stoklosa about the time limit and she said that 2:10 min. I told her about my issue, and she said that if there is the possibility I could make it 2:20 minutes long, and of course that was what I was going to do. 
After this, I immediately started to see what I could trim out, and I realized that the garage scene was too longggg, about 30 seconds, which is too much. So I trimmed about 20 seconds and left it with 2:20 minutes, and it was a big relief.
While I was doing this, if I am being honest, zoned out and did not pay much attention to what my group was saying. It is not nice, but I was really worried about my project. After I was done fixing it up, I kept listening to my group.
The people in my group were in the stage of finishing editing. Some still have to record more things or re-do some scenes. For example Isabela, has not enough footage and does not reach the two minutes, so she needs to figure out a way of what footage to add. We were also advising Elias on the sound choices.

We were later talking about our ideas about the CCRs. Most of them were thinking to do one CCR talking to the camera and using visuals, as i do as well. I think is one of the best ways, even though is not creative, is very informative. Lucia and Isabella were talking about Podcasts and interviews. Isabella was indecisive to do a talking show or not, she wants to do something more creative. I am still indecisive of what i will do for my CCR 3 & 4, I do not know to do an interview or a Podcast. If i decide to do a podcast, I will be doing some research.

It was a good meeting, we all can't believe this journey is almost done. I am glad this happened and I got to know the time limit, I do not want to imagine what it would've been like if this didn't had happened.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CCR #3

Helloo, I am going to put here what I wan to include in this CCR. I plan on doing a podcast. I will put in this Blog all the info. I will write the script later with the information I write in here, but more summarized and brief.

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

To really go over my production skills, I need to go over all the process that led me to get my final product. I started out by scheduling my project, this was crucial for to do first. Since I was getting eight weeks to get it done, I needed to plan wisely my days and what I was getting done each week. This genuinely helped me to get my things done and not stress of getting out of time or not getting some things completed. During the first weeks I did a lot of research to understand better this media. I conducted research on my genre, target audience, production and editing techniques. I also analyzed several opening scenes for inspiration and also opening credit references. So it was a lot of research done to help me gain some knowledge and skills to get to my final product. The opening films I used as inspiration were Mean Girls, Insatiable and Freedom Writers, what all of these had in common was the narration and the internal conflict of each character, which aligned with my initial idea. I incorporated the narration and the styles used, but in my own way. After this, I worked on developing Paula's character and the overall plot, worked later on the sound I was going to use and mise en scene elements.

When I wrote the whole opening scene idea, I started to create my storyboard, and I left the script for when the filming was done. I started filming a few days later and it went pretty well, I had lots of fun during the process. It took me to get all the footage done for about four days.


where there any more struggles or setbacks during this process?

Yes, the major struggle was about the authors. Initially my friend was going to play Paula, we had planned the setting at her house and would record most of it there. However, she got sick the scheduled week and had to work the next week full time. She said that she would take the time to help me, but I figured I could do it myself and she had things to worry about. I decided to do it myself and I think it was a good decision. It delayed me some filming days, but I took my time wisely to record. My best friend helped me record some scenes and she was a great help.

Oh well, i can tell you managed this well, but due to this struggles, did you make any changes from your original storyboard or overall project?

Yes, there were actually a lot of changes, the only scene that was not changed at all was the garage scene. There was originally a boyfriend, it had been recorded but was not included due to the difference in lighting compared to the other scenes. I also found it better without this scene. There was initially a camp scene, showing Paula's work. My friend that was going to play Paula worked at a camp, and I wanted to show the character working, but when I knew she was not going to be able to do it, I switched it to what I had available. I changed it for Paula working on a computer.  Also, I planned some shots to show my siblings, some close-ups included, and they did not come out as clean as I wanted it to look, they are babies so it was predictable to not get to do everything perfectly. SO what I did was to record them doing anything, like running and playing, which I found it more emotional and genuine. 

I think that this is common for the final product to not be the same as the original idea right? I think it came out really good, and I a curious, how was your editing process?

I actually thought that editing was going to be more difficult than it actually went. I had previously edited with the One Word project done earlier in the year, and that was the first time I had ever edited something. I was new in this, but by watching YouTube Videos about how to edit in chosen editing platform, DaVinci Resolve, helped me tremendously in my editing process. It was time consuming at the beggining due to all the subtitles I had to add, but it was actually fun, I enjoyed it. 

Nice! what did you learn during these eight weeks?

I learned a lot, and I am grateful of having this project. It has been kind of stressful sometimes due to the time given, and all the planning behind. However, I have stayed calmed and not stress so much, which is not very common in me, but I thought the only thing I could do is keep doing my things, stressing out would not solve anything. It let me appreciate more all the steps behind the production process, I imagine what producing a whole movie is like, a lot of work! I learned how to edit, this time with sound, transitions, voice over, color, everything! and i am sure this will help me in the future, is an useful skill to have, before this, i wanted to learn how to edit, but I never actually took the time, so this project was finally it. Before this, I did not have any experience in this world, and If i am being honest, I did not want to do the project and planned to drop off the class, but I saw this as a challegenge, something new, and i am glad i did it. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR #2

It's time to keep working on my CCR, now the second qestion, which is:

 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

In this Blog post, I will put the research I do on the two questions. For the target audience answer, I will be using the research I had done about my target audience. 

How does your product engage with audiences?

The target audience of Nueva Vida are:

  • Teenagers & Young adults from ages of 12-25. I chose this audience because many teens and young adults experience major life changes and explore emotional struggles. This range of age connect with coming-of-change stories. 
  • Immigrants   are a crucial audience in Nueva Vida. As an immigrant, I know what feels like to feel out of place in a new country and the struggles you go through while adapting to a new environment. Therefore, people that have experienced moving will relate to this film.
  • Hispanic audience, the narration is in Spanish, narrating her current experiences. Throughout the film, Paula will speak both Spanish and English, mostly Spanish. Hispanic individuals will relate and mostly if they are immigrants.
  • Individuals that enjoy movies of personal growth and resilience. There are a lot of people that enjoy authentic stories with messages of overcoming challenges.
I did some research and found an article of immigrant young individuals that have entered U.S schools in the past years. As immigration is increasing, this number is significant.
According to the Migration Policy Institute posted on October 2023:

"About half of recent immigrant children in 2021 were Latino and, likewise, about half spoke Spanish at home."

These facts of immigrant children arriving to U.S schools in 2021, shows how immigration has been increasing. Which is why I am sure that my opening film will be relatable to my audience. It will give hope for the people that are just going through this journey of moving. I want to show that even though it seems like nothing will get any better, you need to know that it will, if you have a good mindset and are willing to be positive, even if it is difficult. I want the audience feel part of the protagonist's journey. 
The props used like the polaroid pictures of Paula and her family when she was a child, the memories box and the bracelet help develop her character. The audience will relate to this, as the bracelet shows that she remembers and embraces her home country. The memories box represents her life in Colombia and the struggles of moving. The way Paula touches the box shows her mixed feelings and hesitation about her situation. 
The colors I used in the narration were colorful, vibrant, helping in the positive tone of Paula's life. However, the garage scene is where the conflict starts, and the colors are darker, showing the nostalgic and hesitant tone. This will aid my audience to understand the conflict and make them think, what is going to happen next?

how would it be distributed as a real media text?

For this part of the question, I did some research of film festivals that align with my genre and plot of the movie.

Film festivals can be an useful distribution process for independent filmmakers who are just starting out. It gives filmmakers a chance to show their work to industry experts, critics, and audiences alike. Beside recognition, these festivals can help filmmakers make connections and get bigger opportunities for getting their films seen.

Some film festivals that I found interesting and that align with my film are:

national film festival for talented youth is an US festival showcasing films made by Directors aged 24 and under. The festival also supports young filmmakers by offering professional level workshops year-round and hosts NFFTY Creative which connects brands with emerging talent to produce original content.

Latino Media Fest - this annual festival from NALIP brings together Latin filmmakers, industry representatives, executives, and film fans to celebrate Latino content across all media platforms.

Participating in online film festivals or local screenings is a great way to build credibility and connect with an audience. However, I found an article that described how film festivals are not that attended by younger individuals. A survey conducted among youth individuals showed that almost every individual was open to new film experiences, however about 43% of them had never attended a film festival.

Since my audience are young individuals as well, social media such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are powerful tools for filmmakers to reach teen audience.

I did some research about how in some festivals, in order to get in, the film cannot be posted online. The reason is that they want to host the film's premiere and is not likely a big audience will go if the film is online for free. And there are other festivals that are fine if they are the only film festival in the country or state that is showing the film. I would post my film online after the film festivals.

I would post my film on YouTube and Vimeo. I will talk about the advantages or disadvantages of each and get to a conclusion.

YouTube is the most popular video platform on the internet, with over 14 billion people who visit the platform every month. With so many people visiting the site, if a film is posted here, it has a good chance of being watched. Another thing is that it is easy to use, the only thing needed is a good internet connection and a device. Monetization is another advantage, if the film gets recognized and gets a certain amount of views, an income can be made out of it. However, I know that it would not be that easy. YouTube is a great option, but it also has its disadvantages, like the competition. With so many people posting videos, it is not that easy for people find a film is it is not aligned with their algorithm. 

Vimeo can be the number one option outside of YouTube, It’s a video sharing platform that’s similar to YouTube, and has a lot of positive things in terms of filmmaking. Some of the advantages of using Vimeo over YouTube are that Vimeo has less competition than YouTube, so the film can have a better chance of getting known. Vimeo has higher quality content and you can also make money out of it. It also includes the ability to charge for rentals or purchases. In Vimeo, is not that common to see ads, they can pop up occasionally but it focuses on a more enjoyable experience for viewers. It has less strict guidelines and offers more supports for filmmakers. 

Both are great options, I will post my film in both platforms. If I want my film to thrive in YouTube, I will have to plan an approach to promote Nueva Vida.
I need to promote my film on social media, most of my audience is present in these platforms and can reach them in an efficient way. 
One of the most important ways to market films to younger audiences is to create a strong online presence for the film. Like  having a website, a blog, and as said previously, social media accounts that showcase the film's story, characters, themes, visuals, and behind-the-scenes content.

NOWW it's time to work on my script.

  • Dapo. (2024, October 2). Innovative Distribution Models: How To Empower Independent Filmmakers. Indieactivity.
  • Sugarman, J. (2023, October 17). Recent Immigrant Children: A Profile of New Arrivals to U.S. Schools.
  • Hesson, T., Cooke, K., & Pell, M. B. (2024, October 5). An American education: Classrooms reshaped by record migrant arrivals. Reuters
  • Wallace, A. (2020). Recent immigrant children A profile of new arrivals to U.S. schools. Open GLAM.
  • Hayes, J. (2023, January 23). Should You Post Your Short Film on YouTube? The Film Fund Blog.
  • Hayes, J. (2022, June 20). Should You Post Your Film Online? It’s Complicated - The Film Fund Blog. The Film Fund Blog.‌
  • Ogabang, T. (2020, September 21). Guide to How to Promote Short Film on YouTube - Promo Panda. Promo Panda.
  • Learn some of the most effective ways to market films to younger audiences, based on current trends and best practices, in this informative and engaging article. (2024, March 14).

Saturday, March 8, 2025

CCR #1

It is that time, to start my CCR. I am done with my opening film, now I need to start planning the CCRs and done! I cannot believe I am that far and that is almost over. But now, I will focus specifically on the first question of the CCR. Which is:

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

What this question is asking is to discuss the genre characteristics in my film and discuss representation, which refers to the choices made in how individuals, groups, events and issues are illustrated within my production. 

I will be using the Blog Posts where I did research on my genre which is coming-of-age. The way I will do this CCR and CCR #2 is doing an interview. I will work on my script. I still do not know how it will be done. 

Conventions: genre characteristics

Today I was started working on my CCR, I plan on doing something basic for this one. Answering the question while providing a lot of visuals. But today I focused on the script and some research. This is what I have done.

Hello, I am Sara Perez and I am the director and creator of Nueva Vida. I made the film out of my own experience of moving from Colombia to the United States 6 years ago. The opening focuses on the protagonist’s current life showing her about to graduate, her friends are shown, as well as her little siblings. The protagonist is narrating, and showing her personality and growth as well. The final part of the opening go back in time, six years ago, when Paula and her mother are packing to move to another country, an unknown place. 

How does your product use or challenge conventions?

Nueva Vida falls into coming of age genre. Throughout the film, Paula’s internal and external conflicts are shown. The story is about how her life changed drastically and her journey starting over. The coming of age genre is defined by being centered around the themes of youth, growing up, and maturation with a strong focus on the main character. The protagonist is typically a teen who is going through a major conflict or dilemma in their life. Some conventions used in Nueva Vida are how Paula’s journey of growth is shown throughout the film. Her self-discovery is notorious when she realizes that she is the only one that can change her future and that having a positive mindset would change her surroundings. As screenwriter and author Blake Snyder said “the only thing that can save the hero is turning flailing inward and realizing that he must change, not the world around him” which means that in a story, the individual’s biggest challenge isn’t the outside world—it’s themselves. Instead of trying to change everything around them, they must look inward, face their flaws, and grow as a person. In the coming-of-age genre, there can be an  adult like a parent, that can be shown supporting the protagonist or even overcoming their own problems. In my film, the story is centered in Paula, but her mother is constantly shown, since both of them are starting a new life, her mother is shown struggling as well. Nueva Vida shows the relationships developed as well and how they serve as support and guidance to the Paula.

How does it represent social groups or issues? 

One of the strongest and most emotional elements in my films is Paula’s relationship with her little siblings. Her love for them is emphasized. As an older sister, Paula feels love, responsibility and a strong sense of protection towards them. How her emotions and vulnerability are shown, it can connect with the audiences emotions. 

A key aspect of Paula’s story is her experience as an immigrant. The emotions and props used such as the Polaroid photos and the memory box transmit a sense of nostalgia and emotional struggle, along with her feelings of uncertainty. Many immigrants feel a loss of identity when moving to a new country, which is shown through Paula. But the message of the film is embracing our present, life gets difficult and there will be challenges but you are the one that can change everything. Also not forgetting where you are from, that home is not just a place, it’s the people and the memories we carry with us.

Youtube videos and websites for my research:

  • Sammie. (2020, October 31). What Makes a Good Coming-of-Age Story || Let’s Talk Bookish. The Bookwyrm’s Den.
  • Kench, S. (2023, September 24). What is a Coming of Age Movie — Examples and Characteristics. StudioBinder.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Fonts and Colors

Opening Credits

For this part of the editing process, it was important because I had to choose fonts for the subtitles, opening credits and title. Sooo, I will explain each and why I choose them. 

I only used DaVinci Resolve for the fonts, I initially thought of using font apps or Canva to find the correct fonts. But first I thought of looking through the fonts that are provided in the editing app, and I actually liked them! DaVinci has a wide variety of fonts and the same tools to make changes as other apps. So I figured I would stay in the editing app, since there were several fonts I liked. 

I started by looking fonts for the credits. From the beginning I wanted the color of these credits to be royal blue, since it matched with the gradation cap and gown, I wanted them to match. So, that is what I did. I knew in what order they were going to be, that was already planned. Therefore, the remaining thing to figure out was finding the right font. I wanted the opening credits to be in cursive, I have always loved how cursive looks and I also find it elegant. So I was looking for cursive fonts here, but of course lloking at other normal options. Here are the ones I like the most:

Apple Chancery

Savoye LET


Pine Words

I ended up choosing Savoye LET, I find it so delicate and looks very good in my opinion. I initally planned on using SignPainter, but in some other credits, it looking too much. I also liked Apple Chancery, but I found that Savoye LET looked better. The credits appear in the first part of the opening, when Paula is with her mother with the cap and gown.


Next I will talk about the fonts and colors of the subtitles. I was decided from the beginning of the font. The name of the font is Symbola:

The subtitles are pretty straightforward, however, I wanted to like the font and make it pretty. I choose this font, I liked it and fits into the visuals. I added a slight black background so it can be seen better. I chose the color white, but initially I had put them as yellow. I did this because yellow transmits happiness, and would add to the mood of the narration part. However, in some parts, it was difficult to read like seen in the photo below. It was better to change it to white.


Now time for the title! From the beginning, I wanted the title yellow, for the same reason as I had said. To transmit positiveness. The message of the film is to have a positive message during tough situations in life. For example, Paula, that moves from Colombia to the US, she initially was close-minded about the idea, however, she then realized that he was the only one who could make things better. She could not change the fact that she had moved, but she could make her life better and be more open minded. There is where things got better for her. The tone is sad and nostalgic in some parts of the film, but the overall message is positive. That is why I wanted to put it yellow. Initially, I thought of putting the font in cursive but I ended up doing another one. These were my options of fonts: 

These were ALL the options I liked. However, I ended up doing the last one. I figured that making the font all in capital letters would add emphasis and I just loved how it looked, it looks kind of cinematic, COOLLLL. I like it so much that ended uo doing that one. The font name is Oriya MN.

GUYSSS, I just remembered that I forgot to talk to you about the name of the title of the opening. The title of my opening film is "Nueva Vida" which means "New Life". I had a hard time in deciding the title, nothing came up. But I think that it tells a lot about the movie, Paula is starting a new life in another country. It might be kind of simple but I love how it sounds and how it represents the movie.

This is how it looks!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editing process

Voice Over and Script process

One of the most important part of my opening film, is the narration. I still have not talked about the script. As I previously mentioned, I waited to have all the footage, so I would know exactly how long each scene was, to fit the words into what was being shown. I already had idea of what to say. When I had arranged all the material, it was time to start working on the script. That day, I went to Starbucks to do this and keep editing. I wanted to be inspired and focused, and it helped. First off, I had to know how long the scenes were and start writing. I wrote this down:

I wrote how long the shots were, and started working here on the script, in Spanish. After this, I started writing it down on the Notes app on my computer. I found it more convenient to do in the computer than in a paper, it would look more organized.

This is the script I ended up using. I did this in a short time, it was easy. I got inspired and since it is based on me, I just put in the narration what I feel. In my opinion, this sound more beautiful in Spanish. I put the script on the translator, but the translator is not that accurate sometimes. So I changed some things while I was doing the subtitles. I still need to change some words in English, I will ask my stepfather some help. I know how to speak English but my vocabulary is not that professional. I think he will know what sounds better, more beautiful. Or maybe what I have is good. 

When it was time to record, I went to my garage and started recording the VO. I thought that the process of recording my voice was going to be more complex. However, it was pretty easy. I watched this YouTube video to start off and help me out. In the videos I watched, a microphone was being used. I was getting concerned because I do not own a professional microphone. Despite of this, I followed the steps that were shown in the video. Of course without microphone. I started recording and the voice was perfect!!! I felt to relieved, because I thought that it was going to sound different without a professional mic. Clearly, it would sound better with a microphone, but I had to work with what I had. I have my earbuds, and i talked directly to the "mic" I guess that helped.

Here are all the tries I did while I was recording. I wanted it to sound good and I messed up in some parts.

This is how my screen looked while recording the VO

This was my first time trying the VO, this day I recorded some and the next day as well.


I had mentioned that I had been looking through fonts, I had looked the fonts for the subtitles, while editing. I did not look in other platforms for fonts, DaVinci Resolve has a wide variety of fonts to choose. I will talk about fonts in the next blog. Here, I will focus on the process of creating the subtitles. Before I started editing, I had researched about how to create subtitles in DaVinci resolve. It had shown that they could be generated automatically, however, when it was time to do the subtitles, I noticed that I was not able to do that. I realized that this feature was made for the advanced version of this platform, not for the free one. Therefore, I found the way to do them myself. It is pretty easy, it just requires its time. This was a part of the process:

It was a process that took its time but it's worth it. In the next blog, I will go more in depth in the decision of the fonts of the subtitles, credits and title.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Time for editing!!

I finished recording last week. To save some time and be more efficient, I started arranging the material after I had recorded. I started editing as well. I started by ordering the material and started exploring with color. Since DaVinci Resolve has a lot of tools for color, I wanted to explore and play with the colors. I also watched a lot of Youtube videos of how to use DaVinci resolve, as I had perviously mentioned in the Editing Blog. 

For example, for the garage scene, lighting not in favor. The mood of this scene is  sad and nostalgic, therefore, the colors had to be darker compared to what was being shown in the narration. 

I made some touches to take the color of the scene from this:

To this:

I do not want to say that I edited step-by-step because I did not. What I am trying to say is that I did not focus on sound or fonts or transitions by themselves. While I was editing color, I was also starting to look for fonts and arranging sounds.
I had already chosen the music, as I previously blogged. I am still thinking about the music i will put in the background of the narration. I had chosen two, but now that I have the VO ready, it did not come out as I thought it would. That is why I am still looking for some other music. In the next blog, I will be talk about the VO and the process of the subtitles.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Filming day 3 and 4

Yesterday I filmed the scene where Paula is at the park by herself, looking at the sunset and with her journal. Yesterday I worked and finished at 6 pm and the sunset was around 6:30. I had to rush to get to the park and have everything ready. I filmed by myself and it went pretty well. Of course, it takes more time since I do not get any help. I went to the park and the sunset was there! But had to rush to get the shots I needed before there was not enough lighting. I started and there were  a lot of flies, A LOT. It was kind of annoying, I moved and they moved with me 😅. But I got rid of them eventually (kind of. I had forgotten to record the close-up of my face, and when I remembered, it was already dark. I made the mistake of not bringing the storyboard with me. However, I figured I would record it the next day. Since I was by myself, I did not have an extra phone to record behind-the-scenes. Here is something I recorded:

My last filming day was today! The plan was to record the garage and mother scene. I started off with the garage. My garage is full of boxes and merchandise because of my mother's business. So I found it convenient to be the setting of the last scene of the opening. It was very fun to record, today was full of laughs between mom and I. It was challenging, it took a significant amount of time. It should not have had, since it was not complicated. But things got in the way and took us more time to record. My little sister also was with us and she sometimes made noises, and we had to start over. However, we had time in the process. Here is a short time-lapse of us recording the garage scene:

In the garage scene, the mother and Paula are packaging to move. I have a box of memories, with polaroid pictures, bracelets, letters and other meaningful objects, soI used this. We were putting these memories to the other box (memories box, the prop). After this, the box was closed and the last part is Paula putting her hand on the box, showing her struggles putting those memories inside a box. The mother says that "everything is going to be okay" while putting her hand on Paula's. Paula removed the hand quickly and the mother hits the box, showing anger and desperation. This part was not planned, it just flowed. While we were recording my mother did this and I found it great for the end. It will make the audience wonder WHY this is happening and giving hints of the inner conflict of the characters that will be developed throughout the film.

Here my mother and I were recording the last shot of the opening film and she came up with the idea of hitting the box.

One of the other struggles I faced was lighting. I do not have any lighting equipment so I had to work with what I have. The garage was dark, we recorded most of the footage with less lighting. However, when the time of the close-up came, I realized that it did not look good, There were shadows and the quality of the camera looked poor. Therefore, we had to record it with more light. I figured that while editing, I would get to put it darker, it is the point of this scene, to have a darker environment to transmit sadness and coldness.

After this, we recorded the mother and daughter part. We planned on Paula going doing the stairs with her cap and gown, and the mother receiving her downstairs. It went pretty well, the whole family was there in the house helping out. I loved to get to do this with my mother, she helped me out as well and gave me her opinion on the angles I was trying to do. We both worked together.

Before it got darker outside, I recorded the mid- shot of Paula, that was supposed to be recorded at the park yesterday. I did not go to the park, I recorded this in a green place near my house. I took several shots, so I have a lot of material. I finished when it was getting too dark.

It's DONEEEE, WOOO. I have been editing while recording to save more time. Now I am going to spend the next days editing and coming up with the narration. I decided to wait to have the footage done to see better what I am going to say.

Group meeting #2

Helloo, today was our second group meeting and if i'm not wrong, the last one. It went pretty well, this time it was way different than ...