Props are objects that are used to support the storyline and develop characters in a film, they symbolize certain things.
In my film, there are some props that are symbolic to develop Paulas character and gives hints of what the film will be about.
The Colombian bracelet used by Paula throughout the opening and whole film. In the flashback when Paula was packing along her mother, she wears the same bracelet, which shows continuity between her past and present. In the packing scene, when she touches the "recuerdos" box, the bracelet is visible, which also shows this symbolic moment of her about to leave her country. This bracelet represents her identity and the parts of Colombia that stay with her, even as she adapts to her new life in the United States.
In the scene where Mia and Milan are shown, there will be a stuffed animal that either Mia or Milan will hold, and it will be shown at the packing scene as well. This toy has been Paula's since she was about 7, and it was meaningful for her. It is still hers but their siblings love it. The stuffed bear shows Paula's growth and that it has been with her throughout her journey, because it would be shown in key scenes where she struggles. It even has a Colombian shirt ☺☺☺☺☺😃
I think that when Paula is at the park, she will look at Polaroid pictures instead of photos in her phone. I thought about this to make it more meaningful, since these pictures where taken at the exact moment and they are physical. When she is at the park by herself, her journal and the pictures will be shown. These pictures can be considered a prop, they remind Paula and show the audience how much she has changed in the past years. While Paula looks at the pictures, she reminds her life before but is happy to be where she is now. These pictures, are mine, one shows me with my mother, me in my 11th birthday, with my friends, and the other two with my family before I moved. I still do not know if I will show all five, but at least two.
The "recuerdos" box that is filled with photos and important family memories is one important prop. It is the last thing shown on the opening film. The box represents her life in Colombia and the struggles of moving. The way Paula touches the box shows her mixed feelings and hesitation.
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