Thursday, February 20, 2025

The setting of my opening!

One of the most important things to think about is the setting and set of the opening film. My best friend, Maria Antonia, will be playing Paula. With her permission, I will be recording most of the shots at her house. I figured that it was a good setting, I find her home very comforting and visually cozy. 

For the first scene, Paula about to graduate and looking at the mirror with her mother, it will be filmed at her house. My friend has a mirror that works perfectly for the scene. I actually passed by her home yesterday to look at some shots I was thinking of doing and see if they looked good as I imagined them. I recorded her at the mirror, I was trying to get a good shot and have a good angle.

The next scene is Paula at her work. My friend has two jobs, she has her own business of gifts and works at a camp. The initial thought was to record her at the camp, as I put on the storyboard as well. However, yesterday she was thinking it through better, and is not sure if I will be able to go and record there. I told her to ask as soon as possible because I need to start to record this week, most likely tomorrow. If not, I will show her working at home with her business, that is what I am thinking of.
The next scenes will be recorded at Marianto's place. I initially thought to record the friend scene at a restaurant or coffee place, most likely at the town center. However, when I was at her home yesterday, I saw the balcony she has. I had completely forgotten about it, and I found that it fits really well because it is cozy and comforting. I also would have more freedom of filming and coming up with new ideas at home, instead of in a public place.

The scenes with boyfriend and little sister will be filmed in an open space Marianto has at home. She has access to a golf place, I will show a picture below. I find this practical because I can record most of the shots at her home. Ohhh and also the last shot before the title pops up, when Paula is by herself looking at the sunset, it will be recorded there as well but in another angle.

The scene when Mia and Milan are shown, will be recorded inside the house. I am not sure if in my friends bedroom or living room. Marianto is a person that loves cartoons, Disney, and Princesses, so her room is pink full of toys and stuffed animals. I think it can add meaning to the opening somehow. Even though she has faced a lot of struggles and is an adult now, she still loves to be a child, mostly since her siblings were born. I am somehow like that, I love to share with my siblings because i can be myself and my inner child is activated hahhah. So I am not sure if  shots 17- 22 will be filmed at the living room or bedroom yet.

The last part of the opening is when the mother and Paula pack to move. I plan doing this on my friend's garage or in the living room. Most likely in the garage. I will bring a lot of boxes from my house and record in garage.

GUYSSS... Change of plans

All I had said before about the setting will be changed. I have faced an inconvenience this weekend, and my friend, Marianto, will not be able to help me in my opening. She got very sick this week and she works until 7 and is hard to coordinate the same days and time, and we have been postponing the filming. I was supposed to have the footage ready by today and we have been postponing and I can't really wait more. I had done this blog about five days ago, but I will change it now. I thought about erasing what I put, however, I thought this was part of the process, I have faced a "problem" now i have to solve it.

I think that the best idea is for me to play Paula since i am basing the character in myself. I made the error of basing the work on Marianto's, the camp she works at. Now I do not know what I would do to start the narration. Maybe working at the computer or packaging some things, since that is what I do. 
Everything I had said will still be the same. The first scene of Paula looking at the mirror will be at my best friend's house or my house.

The parts of the park, with the boyfriend, sister and by herself, will be done at a park this time. I was thinking one that is close by, probably emerald states park. It would be a good setting to do what I want to.

The last scene in the garage, will be done at her garage, or probably mine. The thing here is that I want to get the filming done by maximum Thursday, and there might be days we will have less time, so based on what we have, I will decide if this last scene will be done at my house or hers.

This has been kind of stressful, I did not expect to change some things or that my friend would not be able to do this, I had the things planned. But it does not matter, it already happened and I will make the best to have a good outcome and deliver a good project.

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