Sunday, March 2, 2025

Filming day 3 and 4

Yesterday I filmed the scene where Paula is at the park by herself, looking at the sunset and with her journal. Yesterday I worked and finished at 6 pm and the sunset was around 6:30. I had to rush to get to the park and have everything ready. I filmed by myself and it went pretty well. Of course, it takes more time since I do not get any help. I went to the park and the sunset was there! But had to rush to get the shots I needed before there was not enough lighting. I started and there were  a lot of flies, A LOT. It was kind of annoying, I moved and they moved with me 😅. But I got rid of them eventually (kind of. I had forgotten to record the close-up of my face, and when I remembered, it was already dark. I made the mistake of not bringing the storyboard with me. However, I figured I would record it the next day. Since I was by myself, I did not have an extra phone to record behind-the-scenes. Here is something I recorded:

My last filming day was today! The plan was to record the garage and mother scene. I started off with the garage. My garage is full of boxes and merchandise because of my mother's business. So I found it convenient to be the setting of the last scene of the opening. It was very fun to record, today was full of laughs between mom and I. It was challenging, it took a significant amount of time. It should not have had, since it was not complicated. But things got in the way and took us more time to record. My little sister also was with us and she sometimes made noises, and we had to start over. However, we had time in the process. Here is a short time-lapse of us recording the garage scene:

In the garage scene, the mother and Paula are packaging to move. I have a box of memories, with polaroid pictures, bracelets, letters and other meaningful objects, soI used this. We were putting these memories to the other box (memories box, the prop). After this, the box was closed and the last part is Paula putting her hand on the box, showing her struggles putting those memories inside a box. The mother says that "everything is going to be okay" while putting her hand on Paula's. Paula removed the hand quickly and the mother hits the box, showing anger and desperation. This part was not planned, it just flowed. While we were recording my mother did this and I found it great for the end. It will make the audience wonder WHY this is happening and giving hints of the inner conflict of the characters that will be developed throughout the film.

Here my mother and I were recording the last shot of the opening film and she came up with the idea of hitting the box.

One of the other struggles I faced was lighting. I do not have any lighting equipment so I had to work with what I have. The garage was dark, we recorded most of the footage with less lighting. However, when the time of the close-up came, I realized that it did not look good, There were shadows and the quality of the camera looked poor. Therefore, we had to record it with more light. I figured that while editing, I would get to put it darker, it is the point of this scene, to have a darker environment to transmit sadness and coldness.

After this, we recorded the mother and daughter part. We planned on Paula going doing the stairs with her cap and gown, and the mother receiving her downstairs. It went pretty well, the whole family was there in the house helping out. I loved to get to do this with my mother, she helped me out as well and gave me her opinion on the angles I was trying to do. We both worked together.

Before it got darker outside, I recorded the mid- shot of Paula, that was supposed to be recorded at the park yesterday. I did not go to the park, I recorded this in a green place near my house. I took several shots, so I have a lot of material. I finished when it was getting too dark.

It's DONEEEE, WOOO. I have been editing while recording to save more time. Now I am going to spend the next days editing and coming up with the narration. I decided to wait to have the footage done to see better what I am going to say.

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