Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Time for editing!!

I finished recording last week. To save some time and be more efficient, I started arranging the material after I had recorded. I started editing as well. I started by ordering the material and started exploring with color. Since DaVinci Resolve has a lot of tools for color, I wanted to explore and play with the colors. I also watched a lot of Youtube videos of how to use DaVinci resolve, as I had perviously mentioned in the Editing Blog. 

For example, for the garage scene, lighting not in favor. The mood of this scene is  sad and nostalgic, therefore, the colors had to be darker compared to what was being shown in the narration. 

I made some touches to take the color of the scene from this:

To this:

I do not want to say that I edited step-by-step because I did not. What I am trying to say is that I did not focus on sound or fonts or transitions by themselves. While I was editing color, I was also starting to look for fonts and arranging sounds.
I had already chosen the music, as I previously blogged. I am still thinking about the music i will put in the background of the narration. I had chosen two, but now that I have the VO ready, it did not come out as I thought it would. That is why I am still looking for some other music. In the next blog, I will be talk about the VO and the process of the subtitles.

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