I started working on my storyboard this week and finished it yesterday. The function of the storyboard is that it let's me see what I will be creating in drawings. It is very helpful because it helped me develop the scenes and shots, while creating this I had to think thoroughly about the scenes and in what order I was going to put them. While I was drawing I was imagining it, like some transitions so the change of scenes would not look weird. I want them to connect somehow. On the description I put what kind of shot it is, the description of what is happening and how long the shot will be.
The past week I was decided of what I want to do, However, had a hard time coming up with the first scene. This weekend, I came up with the idea to start off by showing Paula (the protagonist) about to graduate. The first shot will be about her fixing her graduation cap, she is at home here. It is about an emotional moment because her mother comes up to her and says that she is very proud. From there, I want to start showing Paula's happy moments and the narration would start as well.
Here is the breakdown and explanation of each shot:
1. Close-Up of Paula fixing her graduation cap, she is looking at herself on the mirror. So will record the mirror. 5 sec
2. Mid-shot of Paula looking at herself sighs and looks determined. 3 sec
3. Mid-shot, Paula's profile. Her mother is approaching her and is seen walking in the background. 5 sec
4. Two-shot, Mid-shot showing both Paula and her mother on the mirror. Mother puts her hand on Paula's shoulder, says "Estoy muy orgullosa de ti mi amor" (I am so proud of you sweetheart) and hug. 8 sec
There is a change of scenes, here Paula's happy current moments are shown.
5. Long shot of Paula at work, she works at a camp. She is walking. 4 sec
6. Over the shoulder of Paula, showing her view, kids running around or showing her friends that work with her. 5 sec
7. Over the shoulder, a kid tells her to play with her/him, show happiness. The idea is to show Paula's reaction as well. I am thinking of changing the shot to show Paula's profile to show her reaction. 5 sec
Scene changes, transition with her friends.
8. Two-shot, mid-shot, of Paula and her best friend, laughing, having a good time. They are sitting in a cafe or restaurant. 4 sec
9. A mid-shot or long-shot (I will decide while we are in the place) of the table they are sitting at. Here the friend group will be shown, at the same restaurant/cafe. Showing them having a good time. The idea is to start recording them sitting, chatting and then go around the table and show their faces more closely. There will be four friends. I am still thinking better this shot, I will see better at the moment, but I will update!
10. A mid-shot showing the friends putting their hands together, to show their close and genuine bond. Paula's phone is shown on the side, it is shown on the frame. A message from her boyfriend "Leo" pops up. 6 sec
11. Mid-shot, showing Paula's profile, looking at Leo's message, smiling. The friends are shown in the background, smiling as well. I want to record it closer to the message and then do a transition. 7 sec
Scene changes, transitions to boyfriend.
12. Close-up or mid-shot of Paula and Leo holding hands. The setting would be in a park. I am doing the transition from Paula looking at his love message and their physical connection of holding hands. I think it would be meaningful. I need to figure out how to make it smooth and look good. 3 sec
13. Paula and Leo still holding hands and walking towards the camera, smiling. Paula has flowers on her hand. The idea is to show them walking towards the camera so the landscape is the last thing shown. 7 sec
Scene changes, transitions to Mia, Paula's little sister.
14. Mia appears on screen, walking from the right part of the screen to the center. The camera will be placed the same as the last shot. on the same or similar place there is a smooth transition. 5 sec
15. POV of Paula, looking at Mia, a slight high angle. The idea is that Mia walks towards Paula and says something like "I love you". 4 sec
16. Full body shot of Paula and Mia hugging. 3 sec
Setting changes, now Paula and Mia are at home.
17. Transition from hug to them doing the high-five. Mid-shot of Mia. She was drawing something, takes the drawing after the hug. 5 sec
18. POV of Paula, slight high angle. Showing Mia, holding the drawing and smiling. 4 sec
19. Same POV, but now Milan (little brother) comes running towards her. 5 sec
20. Mid-shot of Paula, looking at them. She has a sentimental expression and shows emotion by looking at her little siblings.
21. Close-up of Mia's face. 2 sec
22. Close-up of Milan's face. 2 sec. I chose this to show that Paula is looking them, they are the most important little humans for her. I chose to add these close ups to represent that.
Scene changes, Paula is alone, sitting at a park looking at the sunset.
23. Transition, close-up of Paula's face, in the same position as the previous shots of her siblings. She is sitting on the floor at a park, it is shown that she is looking at something. 3 sec
24. Mid-shot of Paula looking at a sunset. 4 sec
25. Mid-shot showing both a journal and her phone on her lap. A notification from Photos pops up, showing a memory from 2019. She takes her phone. 6 sec
26. Paula opens the picture, it is a picture of her when she was 11. I am still not sure of what picture, I would add one of her and both her parents when they were still together or one with her family in Colombia. 3 sec
27. Mid-shot or close-up to Paula's face, sentimental, giving an innocent smirk. 4 sec
28. Title of the film. 4 sec
Second parts starts, 6 years earlier...
29. A full body shot showing Paula as an 11 year old and her mother from the back. They are packing some things, like pictures and memories. They have a box and they are packing there the both of them. 10 sec
30. The same shot, but here the mother closes the box with tape. 5 sec
31. Close-up of the box from the top showing that they were packing some valuable memories, they label the box "memories". 3 sec
32. same close-up, Paula now puts her hand on the box. 2 sec
33. Last shot, Paula has her hand on the box and the mother puts her hand on Paula's. Paula removes her hand quickly. I chose to do this for the last shot to leave the audience ask themselves why the attitude? why did she remove her hand? 5 sec
This is the breakdown of my opening film. I hope there are not much changes from what I put on the storyboard. I know I will get inspired in the moment where I'm filming, so some things might be changed. I will update everything I do or change. This will be very useful while I film, I am very excited!